Thursday, December 30, 2010

Book Review: The China Study

The China Study by Dr. T. Collin Campbell, a nutrition and health researcher, shows us the connection between what we eat, and the link to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Dr. Campbell uses project findings in rural China, as well as personal research the author did in the Philippines while working with malnourished children, research from a 20-year partnership with the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University, and Oxford University, surveys of diseases and lifestyle changes in both Taiwan and China, etc. Referred to as the China Study, Campbell has put together the "8000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease." 

For anyone doubting the findings of Dr. Campbell, keep in mind, this is a man that grew up on a ranch where eating ham, eggs, bacon, milk, etc. with every meal was a daily occurrence. In fact, in this book, he expresses the regret he feels that he did not know about the connection between heart disease, etc. and our diets sooner, as he could have saved his fathers life (his father died of a heart attack at a young age). Dr. Campbell received his master's degree and Ph.D. from Cornell, spent 10 years on the faculty at Virginia Tech in their Biochemistry and Nutrition Department, served as a Research Associate at MIT,  and then returned to Cornell where he currently holds his Emeritus Chair in the Division of Nutritional Sciences since 1975. Prior to that, he began his graduate training by working on the effects of nutritional status on long term health, particularly in regards to the cause of cancer. He has performed large-scale human studies, laboratory research, authored more than 300 research papers, served on grant review panels, lectured quite extensively, and has received more than 70 grant-years of "peer-reviewed research funding". Dr. Campbell has also won many awards in both citizenship and research, and has participated in the development of national, as well as international nutrition policies.

The findings in The China Study prove that people who consume the most animal-based foods came down with the most chronic disease, while people that ate the most plant-based foods had a tendency to avoid chronic disease, and they were by far the healthiest! Campbell also shows how we can reverse the risks and/or effects of deadly illnesses with a plant-based diet. And while the The China Study is not necessarily a diet book, it does provide us with the various studies done to back up his research (as well as the research of others) that will have you striving for a healthier lifestyle. To read an excerpt, visit:

Personally, I was astounded by every single page. I literally could not put this book down. And I'm not the only one that's impressed! Bradley Saul from stated that "The China Study is the most important book on nutrition and health to come out in the last 75 years. Everyone should read it, and it should be the model for all nutrition programs taught at universities." Nobel Prize Winner, Robert C. Richardson, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Vice Provost of Research, Cornell University claims that "The China Study represents a major turning point in our understanding of health." Marilyn Gentry, President of the American Institute for Cancer Research says that "The China Study is a well-documented analysis of the fallacies of the modern diet, lifestyle, and medicine and the quick fix approach that often fails." Seriously, there is a reason why this book won VegNews Book of the Year! This is a must read for anyone interested in living a healthy lifestyle. Or, if you are like me, read it if the thought of cancer, heart disease, etc. scares the bejesus outta you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter cleaning

I have a bad habit of buying tons of food every time I go to the grocery store. Then, half of it sits in the fridge until it goes bad. So, I've decided to do some spring, er, winter cleaning. I am going to use up everything in my pantry, freezer, fridge before I do any more major shopping. Of course, there are always little things we need such as milk and butter (and yes, I mean vegan!)... So, we will see what meals and snacks I come up with! I'll keep everyone posted! 

Scrumptious 2week vegan menu!

Speaking of meal plans! PETA has a 2 week vegan menu that looks delicious! Tofurkey and hummus sandwich, "chicken" fillets with mashed potatoes and gravy, empanadas, easy mac and cheese (I'm definitely trying out this recipe!), meatball sub, blueberry pancakes, BBQ pineapple-stuffed baked potatoes, pizza, pumpkin-chocolate chip pancakes, and much more!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Weekly meal plan

Here is a sample meal plan for a week of being vegan. I tried to keep this first week simple, w/out a lot of cooking & w/out spending a lot on new groceries. I also recycled as many of the ingredients as possible so that you don't have to spend unneccesary moolah! I have posted recipes in the past, & I will post more in the future, so you can definitely substitute any of the below ideas if you don't like to eat leftovers. Please don't think eating vegan is boring just because I kept this simple! A lot of people have been asking me to do meals on a budget, & w/very little cooking... This is catered to that crowd. 

Breakfast: 3 Sisters maple oatmeal w/your choice of fruit over the top, such as banana slices or blueberries. Don't like oatmeal? Neither do I, but I dig 3 Sisters maple. If you are completely against oatmeal, trade it in for 100% natural peanut butter (the only brand I like is Adams. Buy it at Wal-Mart at a super low cost) on whole wheat toast. Slice the banana over the toast, or make a fruit salad. Yum!

Snack: Trail Mix. Seriously, this is your best friend! Anything from Trader Joe's is good, as well as the Archer brand from Target. Make sure you don't get chocolate chips or M&Ms mixed in there! This is great to fill up on.

Lunch: Salad. Spinach or mixed greens (remember, spinach is super good for you!). I add Craisens, sliced almonds, kidney beans, baked snap peas, sunflower nuts, chopped apple, tomatoes, bell peppers, avocado, fresh cilantro, & either a vinaigrette dressing or vegan ranch. DO NOT BUY VEGAN RANCH! It is absolutely disgusting!!! I have a great vegan ranch recipe that is easy peasy to make & tastes better than Hidden Ranch!

Snack: If you have the above mentioned vegan ranch, dip some carrots & broccoli for a cancer-preventing snack. I usually slice an apple for the above salad, cubing half for the salad, slicing the other half as my mid-afternoon snack.

Dinner: Stirfry. If you are lazy (like me!), you can buy pre-packaged stirfry veggies anywhere. I also love Gardein brand Mandarin-Orange chicken. Cook longer than the directions recommend so that it comes out nice & crispy. If you are super lazy, Trader Joe's has the best fried rice I've ever tasted. And it's vegan! I usually keep brown rice in my cupboard, as I eat stirfry at least 1x/wk. Check out egg rolls & spring rolls at whatever store you are shopping at. Read the ingredients on the veggie rolls, some are actually vegan.

Dessert: Fruit smoothie that would put Jamba Juice to shame! I have a smoothie machine, but I'm sure a blender works just as well (I never add ice, as it waters it down). I buy fruit sorbet from Whole Foods (the ones made w/coconut milk are delicious & very creamy). The more sorbet you add, the thicker the smoothie. I also buy 100% fruit juice from Whole Foods. Add a dollop of soy yogurt, a half a banana, & voila! 

Breakfast: Amy's brand non-dairy burrito. I know it's a typical lunch burrito, but I love one of these on a cold morning!

Snack: Unsalted, roasted pistachios. Eat as many as you want, they're good for you!

Lunch: Sandwich. Whole wheat bread, vegenaisse, spicy brown mustard, lotsa lettuce or spinach leaves, avocado, pickles, tomatoes, sliced bell peppers (orange & yellow are best!), & your favorite sprouts. This is very filling, & oh-so-good! Grab some flaxseed tortilla chips & you're set!

Snack: Well, since you already have the flaxseed tortilla chips, enjoy some yummy salsa w/it for a snack! My fave is Herzez w/fresh cilantro & avocados mixed in.

Dinner: Either portabello burgers or vegan burgers made w/lots of beans & corn, etc. Toast a whole wheat bun, add some lettuce, tomato, avocado, vegenaisse, spicy brown mustard, & dip in the above mentioned vegan ranch. Add some sweet potato fries for a delicious alternative to the regular fries.

Dessert: Lucy's brand cookies. I like the cinnamon ones! 

Breakfast: Hey, you've made it this far, why not treat yourself to Starbucks? See my earlier Vegan Starbucks post for a few ideas!

Snack: The above mentioned peanut butter on toast

Lunch: Taco salad (see recipe in earlier post). This can definitely be made in advance if you are going to be at work!

Snack: Chow down on either leftover fruit, carrots & broccoli, trail mix, or salsa.

Dinner: Whole wheat spaghetti. If you don't feel like making your own sauce from scratch, choose a jar of your favorite brand (make sure there's no dairy or meat!). Add some mushrooms, zucchini, squash, etc. w/your choice of spices. There are some vegan Parmesan cheeses out there that are pretty darn good! Enjoy some crusty bread w/vegan butter (Earth Balance is fantastic "butter"! It's also great to cook with). Having friends over? Add a mixed green salad w/your favorite toppings.

Dessert: There are some fantastic vegan ice creams out there. Either have a bowl of the sorbet you used for your smoothie, or try some Toffuti ice cream sandwiches or fudge bars. 

Breakfast: Oatmeal or toast & fruit or make a smoothie to start your day out right!

Snack: Pistachios &/or trail mix

Lunch: If you aren't in the mood for leftovers, go for Amy's brand. Anything vegan. It's easy to take to work, & delicious!

Snack: Lucy's brand cookies

Dinner: Potato & corn chowder (see my recipe in an earlier post). This is cheap, easy, & great for these cold evenings!

Dessert: Use your remaining fruit & soy yogurt to make a fruit parfait. Add some granola for crunch. Bear Naked makes some great ones! However, honey is NOT vegan, so take that into consideration... (I wouldn't be opposed to sticking a cookie in that there parfait for "garnish"!)

Friday is my lazy day. Therefore, I often use it to finish off my leftovers.
Breakfast: Your choice of any of the above breakfasts you've enjoyed. I like to sleep as late as possible on Fridays before work, so I usually have peanut butter toast or a banana, as I can eat either one while driving.

Lunch: Leftover spaghetti, chowder, or stirfry. Don't like leftovers? Make another salad. I try to eat salads at least 3 or 4 lunches out of the week. Very very healthy!!

Snack: Again, I will recycle whatevers left... Chips & salsa, cookies, trail mix, etc. 

Dinner: Hey, I'm probably going out. So if I eat at home, I don't want to cook. I'll either eat leftovers or make something quick & filling like a baked potato & steamed broccoli & corn.

Dessert: I rarely stick around for dessert at home on a Friday night, but if I do decide to stay in & veg in front of the TV, it's usually w/a fruit smoothie.

Meatless Mondays

We know that what we eat is directly related to our health... Duh. Of course, with all of this knowledge at our fingertips, it surprises me that people still continue to consume meat, dairy, and sugary crap on a daily basis. In fact, it boggles my mind that so many people eat all of this in more than one meal throughout each day! Yet as a whole, our country continues to become more obese and cancer-ridden every day. Sigh.

I recently read in Sunset magazine that there is a nonprofit initiative encouraging folks to go meatless just one day out of the week. Not only does it vastly improve YOUR health, but it also benefits the health of our planet. I've included a link ( to a website where you can get more information about this creative and fun way to get healthy without giving up your favorite foods, as well as a great list of recipes to try out. Many of the recipes also include some of the best cancer-fighting "superfoods" such as broccoli (fights liver, breast, lung, prostate, skin, bladder, and stomach cancers), tomatoes (fights stomach, endometrial, prostate, and lung cancers), beans (fights breast and colon cancers), etc. For a list of 6 cancer-fighting superfoods to easily introduce to your daily diet, check out the following link:

Monday, December 27, 2010

Food, Inc.

I'm sure all of you have heard me mention the informative documentary Food, Inc. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Robert Kenner, and co-produced by investigative journalist, best-selling author, etc. Eric Schlosser, this film exposes the "highly mechanized underbelly" of our nation's food industry, shows evidence and facts that prove our food supply is controlled by a small handful of corporations that put profit ahead of consumers health, the employment of the American farmer, our environment, and the safety of workers in the industry. This film also reveals the atrocities hidden from us by the USDA and the FDA (government regulatory agencies), etc. 

How do you think your chicken developed bigger breasts? How did we build up to herbicide-resistant soybean seeds? Where did all of the new strains of E. Coli come from? Why are we one of the most obese countries? Why the "epidemic" number of adults living with diabetes? This film which features interviews with experts such as Michael Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma, which I am currently reading, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto) and Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) shows us the shocking truths behind how the foods we eat are produced.

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly stated "I'm not generally in the habit of praising movies for being good for you, but Food, Inc. is more than just a terrific documentary - it's an important movie, one that nourishes your knowledge of how the world works." This is completely true. Food, Inc. is a great film that opens our eyes to the damages done to both our country, as well as the harmful practices now used in the food industry. As John Anderson, Variety states Food, Inc. "Does for the supermarket what 'Jaws' did for the beach."

You can read up on the film, as well as those associated with the documentary on the movies website:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Become a Meat-Eating Vegetarian

Wait... What? It's true. You could easily become a meat-eating vegetarian or vegan. Many people flirt with the idea of becoming vegetarian or vegan for a variety of reasons. They love animals, they want to lose weight and/or improve their health, they hope to play their part in improving our environment, etc. Going vegetarian or vegan can be like going on a diet... Sure, you're motivated at first, you've made your New Year's Resolution, you've purchased all the right books, etc. Then, like any other diet, you cave after you go to a party and someone waves that huge, gorgeous slice of double chocolate fudge cake under your nose. Then, you feel as if all of your hard work was a waste, and you fall back into old routines. Hey, you are not alone! It happens to the best of us. 

In an earlier post, I mentioned having had fish a few times in my first year after becoming vegetarian. Sure I felt guilty, but man my brother-in-law fixes a delectable fresh fish gumbo! My mouth waters just thinking about it! I've also been known to guiltily eat a fish fillet from McDonalds, even knowing that they are on their way to depleting Alaskan Pollock in the process. I'm human. I also mentioned in a prior post that I have not had red meat, fowl, etc. at all in over 2 years. It surprises people when I say that I don't miss it, but I've had years to find great, tasty alternatives. That's what this blog is about. Sharing tips, recipes, favorite finds, and facts about a vegetarian/vegan way of life in order to save you a little bit of time at the end of the day.

For every year that you eat vegetarian or vegan, you save over 100 animals. That's nothing to sneeze at! If you want to eat meat, fine. I have provided posts that tell you how to make an informed decision on where to buy your meat/dairy that improves your health, the environment, and gives animals a better life/death. But why not go vegetarian or vegan a few days a week? Most of us indulge on the weekends in foods and drinks that are not good for us... Maybe use Mon-Wed as your "healthy" days. Cut meat (and dairy if possible!). I guarantee you'll lose weight, you will improve your health, and you will still be saving lives. You'll also be trying new foods that you will love! Life is about new experiences. When was the last time you challenged yourself to try something out of your every day life?

PETA has a great, FREE, vegetarian starter kit. They also have a 30-day pledge that will give you a great challenge to try new recipes, look at our world differently, and give you the opportunity to see how great you feel after your body has cleansed the animal products out. Remember, just a few days a week can improve your health and save lives and a depleting environment. Flirt with vegetarianism. Yes, you CAN have your cake, er meat, and eat it too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Candy Cane Goodness

Perfect holiday treat! Pick some up on your way to a party, or dinner. Your friends and family will thank you. Read up on this snack and more at: 

The Truth Behind Red #3 & Other Food Dyes

I was at the movies with a friend this past Saturday (fyi, Black Swan is a great movie!), and I decided to treat myself to a box of Hot Tamales. I hadn't had them in months, and I was enjoying every bite. At least, I did until I looked at the ingredients. Aside from the usual bad ingredients, I found Red #3, Red #40, Yellow #5, Yellow #6, Blue #1, Blue #2 Lake. Huh? So, I decided to do what I always do... Research!

It turns out we are consuming beetles! Yep, and it's legal to use bugs as food dye without listing the poor little critters in the ingredients! Why thank you FDA for keeping the wool over our eyes once again! The good news is, due to the growing number of vegetarians, vegans, people with food allergies, and those following a kosher lifestyle, the FDA is considering putting out a requirement that food using these bug-based ingredients list it on their packaging. Except they won't call it "beetles" or "bugs", etc. They'll fancify it with names most won't think about such as "cochineal (a color extracted from the eggs of a cochineal beetle)". In fact, cochineal has sent people into life-threatening anaphylactic shock! 

According to the Wall Street Journal, crushed female cochineal beetles are used in the dye for certain juices, yogurt, and candy. Yikes! Luckily, most of that is the super sugary stuff we all try to stay away from... Right? Hint hint! Not ALL dyes are made from beetles. Other than beetles and Carotenoids (made from red salmon!!), there are natural colorants as well, such as Anthocyanins (from berries, red cabbage, sweet potato), Betacyanins (from red beets, cactus fruit, etc.), Caramel (from heated sugars), Chlorophylls (from green plant leaves), etc. For a more complete and informative list, check out Also, don't forget, gelatin is made from crushed up cow skin, bones, and cartilage, while Stearic Acid (it's in chocolate and vitamins) is made from the fatty substances in the little tummies of the dogs and cats euthanized at the shelter. :( There is a more extensive list of similar, shady ingredients on PETA's website, along with a lengthy list of candy and snacks that are critter-free:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Vegan on a Budget

I'll be honest, if you aren't careful, eating vegetarian or vegan can be expensive. With that said, I still spend less than when I was buying steak and potroast. So, to spotlight the poor vegetarian/vegan, we are going back in time to our college years. Yep, say hello to Ramen noodles!! The Oriental flavor is completely vegan! And in PETA's Vegan College Cookbook, there is an entire chapter devoted to this utterly cheap meal. Below I have given a few recipe ideas using Ramen. I also keep a few packages of ramen at work in case I forget my lunch. The broth is also great on a sore throat!!

Fancy Ramen Soup
Cook ramen per package instructions (don't add the seasoning yet!). Steam some of your favorite veggies (or buy frozen!) & add to the noodle soup. Add seasoning packet to taste, and a mixture of your favorite spices such as crushed red pepper, cilantro, etc.
Serves 1 

The below recipes are from the above-mentioned PETA cookbook. Buy the book for the college student in your life! All recipes are made w/a microwave, and they are all cheap cheap cheap to make!!!

Ancient Japanese Noodle Secret Salad
1/4cup vinegar
1/4cup sugar
1tsp soy sauce
1/4cup vegetable oil
2packages ramen noodles (seasoning packets not needed)
1/2lb lettuce of your choice, shredded
1 (10oz) can mandarin orange segments, drained
1/4cup slivered almonds
In a bowl, mix together w/vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, & oil to make dressing. Nuke until sugar dissolves, about 1min. Mix well & let cool. Crush ramen noodles in packages, & then pour into salad dressing. Dump the lettuce on a plate or in a bowl & sprinkle the oranges & almonds on top w.the dressing/ramen mixture
Makes 2 servings

"Pimp my Ramen" Noodles
1package ramen
1heaping tbsp peanut butter (don't forget to get 100% natural!!)
1tbsp Sriracha hot chili sauce
Crush ramen and place in lrg bowl. Cover w/water & stire in seasoning packet. Nuke 4min, remove from microwave, & PB & chili sauce, mix well.
Makes 1 serving

"Cheezy" Ramen
1package ramen
2tbsp nutritional yeast
Cook noodles per package instructions & drain access water. Add seasoning packet & nutritional yeast & stir.
Makes 1serving

Ramen Delight
1package ramen, minus seasoning packet
1tsp vegan margarine
garlic powder to taste
salt & pepper to taste
nutritional yeast to taste
Cook ramen in microwave in just enough water to cover noodles. Drain. Add margarine & sprinkle w/garlic powder, salt, pepper, & nutritional yeast. Stir together.
Makes 1 serving

Freshasaurus Mex Ramen Casserole
6cups water
3packages ramen noodles
2 (15oz) cans vegan chili
1 (15oz) can tomatoes
4-8oz shredded vegan cheese (good feedback on Daiya brand!)
Put water in 3-quart casserole dish. Cover w/lid & nuke 3min. Remove & crush ramen inside packages (don't need the seasoning), & dump noodles into the dish. Cover & nuke 5 min, stirring halfway through. Remove & drain. Put noodles back in dish, add chili & undrained tomatoes, & toss well. Cover & return to microwave, sprinkle w/cheese, replace cover, & let stand until cheese melts.
Makes 4 servings

Sacramento Midtown: Vegan Delights

If you live in the Sacramento area, you should definitely check out some of the midtown restaurants, bakeries, etc. serving vegetarian/vegan dishes. A friend of mine writes a vegan article for Sac Midtown, a publications that focuses on local news, events, and things to do in the Midtown area. Danielle Carlson provides readers with a great look into Sacramento Midtown, as experienced through the eyes, and taste buds!, of a vegan. Whether you are in the mood for veggie hot dogs, or Mexican cuisine, Carlson has you covered! Keep your eyes peeled for more from this Midtown vegan guru!

(Psst! Look for my blog mentioned in the her December 20, 2010 article!)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Animal-Abuse Registries

I love animals. In fact, my compassion for animals of all shapes and sizes spurred me to become a vegetarian. So, on many levels, I was happy to read an article by Brooke Still about Animal-Abuse Registries. According to Stills article, on October 12, our nation's first official animal-abuse registry was established in Suffolk County, NY. The new law states that all animal abusers must register their address, picture, etc. with the county's Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The fees required from these abusers will financially support the registry. If someone does not register, they may receive up to a $1,000 fine, as well as up to a year in prison. As Stephan Otto, Director of Legislative Affairs with the ADLF points out “Owing to the strong connection between those who abuse animals, and those who commit other types of violent crimes in our communities, having these people on a registry will hopefully reduce the chances of them harming new victims, whether they're animals or people.”Read Stills article on the website or just use the below link:

Vegan Corn and Potato Chowder

I got this recipe from from 1,000 Vegan Recipes by Robin Robertson. I just love making this on a Sunday afternoon. Not only do I get to enjoy a nice warm soup on a chilly evening, but I have at least 4 more meals for the week. I never get tired of this recipe. It's the best chowder I've ever tasted, and it's a cheap meal to make.

1tbsp olive oil
1med onion, chopped
1 celery rib, chopped
3med Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled & diced (I've also used regular 'ol Russet Potatoes)
4cups vegetable broth or water (I've only used veggie broth, so don't blame me if it tastes crappy w/only water!)
Salt & freshly ground black pepper
3cups fresh, frozen, or canned corn kernels
1cup plain unsweetened soy milk
1tbsp minced green onions or chives for garnish

  1. In large soup pot, heat the oil over med heat. Add oinion & celery. Cover & cook until veggies are softened, about 10min
  2. Add potatoes, broth, & salt & pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low & simmer uncovered until potatoes begin to soften, about 30min
  3. Add corn & simmer 15min longer. Puree half the soup in the pot w/an immersion blender, blender, or food processor (I use my food processor) & return to pot. Stir in the soy milk & taste, adjusting seasonings if necessary.
  4. Ladle the soup into bowls, garnish w/green onions & serve.
Serves 4-6

Celebrity Vegans

Vegan Actors, Actresses, Comedians, and Producers

  • Alicia Silverstone
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Betty White
  • Bob Harper
  • Carrie Anne Moss
  • Casey Affleck
  • Casey Kasem
  • Connie Britton
  • Daryl Hannah
  • Demi Moore
  • Daniel Negreanu (professional poker player)
  • Elijah Wood
  • Emily Deschanel
  • Gillian Anderson
  • Ginnifer Goodwin
  • Heather Mills
  • Jennifer Connelly
  • Joaquin Phoenix
  • Keenan Ivory Wayans
  • Kevin Nealon
  • Lea Michele
  • Mayim Bialik (Blossom)
  • Mutt Lange
  • Natalie Portman
  • Pamela Anderson
  • Portia de Rossi
  • River Phoenix
  • Sandra Oh
  • Tea Leoni
  • The Artist, formerly known as Prince
  • Toby Maguire
  • Vanessa A. Williams
  • Weird Al Yankovic
  • Woody Harrelson
  • Zooey Deschanel

Vegan Athletes

  • Brendan Brazier (ironman triathlete)
  • Carl Lewis (Olympic Track Star)
  • Ed Templeton (pro skateboarder)
  • George Laraque (NHL)
  • Jack LaLaine (fitness guru)
  • John Salley (former NBA player)
  • Lucy Stephens (triathlete)
  • Mac Danzig (Ultimate fighting)
  • Pat Neshek (Minnesota Twins pitcher)
  • Ronda Rousey (judo)
  • Sally Eastall (marathoner)
  • Scott Jurek (marathoner)
  • Tony Gonzalez (American football) (not fully vegan)

Vegan Leaders

  • Benjamin Spock, M.D.
  • Chelsea Clinton
  • Coretta Scott King (Martin L.K., Jr's wife)
  • Dennis Kucinich (US Congressman)
  • Ingrid Newkirk
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Mohandas Ghandi

Vegan Musicians

  • Andy Hurley
  • Anoushka Shankar
  • Anthony Kiedis
  • Barry White
  • Brandy
  • Brian Bell
  • Bryan Adams
  • Christopher Drew
  • Erykah Badu
  • Fiona Apple
  • Jason Mraz
  • Joan Jett
  • K.D. Lang
  • Michael Franti
  • Moby
  • Morrissey
  • Nelly
  • Phil Collins
  • Shania Twain
  • Sinead O'Connor
  • Thom Yorke (Radiohead)

I would list all of the vegetarian celebrities, athletes, musicians, and leaders, but there are a zillion! So, instead I have provided the below link for you to peruse. Fun fact: Buddha, Darwin, Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, and many more were vegetarians!

Tired of being fat?

At one point, I was about 40lbs overweight. I lost most of the weight in 3wks. How? I started removing meat & sugary snacks from my diet, & I began walking. I would get up about 20min earlier than usual in the morning & walk my dog to the park down the street. While my dog ran around in the fenced enclosure, I walked the perimeter until it was time to head home to get ready for work. I wore a pedometer all day (I actually still wear one) so that it was always at the back of my mind to walk. This encouraged me to take tennis shoes to work & walk on my breaks. After work, I would walk my dog back down to the park & walk the perimeter for at least a mile. When I went to the grocery store, the mall, etc. I would park further away rather than circling for a spot at the front of the store.

Now that I have completely cut meat from my diet, as well as greatly limiting my sugar & dairy intake, I easily stay fluctuating between a size 2 & a size 4. Aside from my eating habits, I make sure that I walk at least 3-5mi/day. I walk about 1-2mi/day just by walking in place while I brush my teeth, wash dishes, check my emails & complete my filing in my cubicle at work. I bought a cheap elliptical from Wal-Mart & Mon-Thu I have to be either on the elliptical or doing some other form of exercise such as situps while watching tv. Don't give me the excuse that you don't have time to work out or you don't have the money for a gym membership! You don't need the effing gym to lose weight! Buy a $10 pedometer & walk in place every chance you get!

I also hate when people use genetics or experiencing poor eating habits as a child as an excuse. I come from a family that thinks 2 heaping bowls of chocolate fudge ice cream is dinner, & salami & cheese on crackers is healthy. I didn't even know what asparagus & artichokes were until after college! I have family members that have had multiple knee replacements as a result of their weight, I have family members w/diabetes, heart disease, etc. I have family members who have worked their asses off to lose more than I currently weigh right now. I have lost family members to heart attacks before they hit old age. So don't tell me it's in your genes. That's a copout. It just means you have to work harder than the next person. & sorry toots, but that's life. It can be a long life if you get your act together. And if you are one of those people that says you'll at least die happy by eating bacon & fried crap, that's just selfish. You have kids, parents, siblings, etc. that love you & need you in their lives. Let me guess, you're stuffing your kids full of the crap you're consuming. So you are slowly killing you're children too. At best you are causing long-term health problems.

Contrary to popular belief among people who think they know me, I don't get to eat whatever I want & stay thin. I have researched the benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet. I have read books, articles, research studies, watched documentaries, taken nutrition courses, etc. I can also count on one hand how many times I've gone to Starbucks in the last year (4). At most I consume a soda every few months. I rarely eat junk food. And guess what, I hardly ever miss any of it. It feels much better to look in the mirror & see a skinny me rather than avoiding mirrors just so I could have Cheetos & Snickers every day. I also feel much better, which is more important than how you look. I understand that it can be hard to get started. I sincerely found the books Skinny Bitch, The China Study, & The Kind Life to be inspirational & educational. If any of you want help getting started, such as meal ideas, easy snacks to take to work, someone to exercise with, etc. I'm right here! Just ask...

Restaurant Review: Andy Nguyen's Vegetarian Restaurant

Last night a friend and I enjoyed a lovely dinner at Andy Nguyen's Vegetarian Restaurant in Sacramento. Serving Buddhist inspired dishes such as delicious Enlightened Mind Rolls and the mouth-watering Caramelized Fire Rice Pot, each dish on the menu promises to be creative and flavorful. My friend and I shared an order of rolls, as well as the above-mentioned rice pot, and between the two of us, we still couldn't finish everything! The service is very laid back, so don't expect to eat and run. I found the staff to be very polite, informative, and they fit right in with the serenity of the restaurant.

The atmosphere within Andy Nguyen's transports you into a world where stressful deadlines and hectic traffic does not exist, and where relaxing with family and friends over a tasty meal has made a comeback. The portions are hefty, more than enough food for two people, and the prices are great. For a truly unique and relaxing dining experience, this vegetarian/vegan gem will satisfy even your devoted carnivorous friends!

Address: 2007 Broadway in Sacramento
Phone: 916.736.1157

Friday, December 17, 2010

Book Review: Skinny Bitch

This is the book that started it all for me. It is my bible. Conquering the New York Times bestseller list, it is a great weight loss guide as well as a wonderful way to learn about the benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet. It's "A no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous". Author Rory Freedman is a former agent for Ford Models and author Kim Barnouin is a former model with a Masters of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition. So, I think it is safe to say they know all about looking fabulous! Both women have successfully used their Skinny Bitch methods on models, actors, & numerous other professionals. Plus, they both live in LA, the gathering place of beautiful people. 

I love the straight talk. The book is written as if your best friend was telling you "Honey, I love you, but girl those pants are NOT flattering! Let's go shopping!" And then you would both head to the mall and Starbucks. I love the critique ivillage, Diet & Fitness gave: "What makes this diet easy to swallow is the book's tough-love attitude - part best-friend counsel, part drill-sergeant abuse and a dash of sailor mouth, wrapped in a pretty chick-lit package." This book literally made me laugh, and cry. It also bitch-slapped me in the face with my own ignorance a few times. 

The witty barbs and engagingly humorous way in which the authors dish out their scientifically sound info will set you on your path to your personal revolution! The gals provide personal experience, success stories, scientific evidence, helpful hints, books and websites to peruse, and a list of foods to get you started. You even get to learn about healthy pooping. I'm not kidding! There is an entire chapter devoted to dropping the kids off at the pool. After all, "Fiber isn't just for shits and giggles..."

All in all, you come away from this book feeling as if you are now part of the Skinny Bitch clique. A clique of beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and from different avenues of life. You are ready to tackle the world, excited to better yourself and the environment around you, and reeling from the power you now hold in your hands to do so.

The gals also have a cookbook, Skinny Bitch in the Kitch which also hit the NY Times bestseller list, a version for expecting mothers, Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven, a motivational journal, Skinny Bitchin',  a male companion of the original, Skinny Bastard, and a DVD workout series, Skinny Bitch Fitness. So, jump-start your new year with a new way of life, a new look, and a fierce new Bitch attitude! Buy you and your fellow Bitches a copy of the book everyone is talking about, and hit the grocery store! I'll see your skinny bitch-ass on the flip side (and yes, I totally just said that!)!

You can order the book, and check out other cool stuff at the Skinny Bitch website.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vegan Beer

Winemakers, distillers, & brewmasters just might have animal crap in their products. When making their product, honey, dairy, isinglass (from fish bladders), egg whites, etc. may be in your booze (there is even a case of an entire chicken landing in the tank!). 

So, for all of you boozers out there, this is the link for you! My pals Sierra and Nevada (as in Sierra Nevada!) made the cut! Woot woot!

Vegan Starbucks

I'm not a coffee drinker. But I love me some blended frappuccinos!
For those of you that are horrified at the thought of giving up your daily dose of Starbucks, here is the answer to your prayers! You can thank me by buying me a Starbucks next time you see me. Gift cards, tips, & other presents also accepted. Lol

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew – All are vegan
Bottled water. Duh
Brewed bold pick of the day (hot or iced)
Espresso: Espresso, Soy Latte, Cafe Americano, Soy Cappuccino (hot or iced)
Frappuccino (now we're talkin'!!): Coffee, Espresso, Vanilla Bean Crème, Cinnamon Dolce, Soy Strawberries and Crème, Tazo Chai Crème, Tazo Green Tea Crème
Teas: All Tazo tea flavors!!! Just select soy for the lattes (Almond Milk is another alternative)
Kid Drinks: Some of the Naked Juices, Peter Rabbit Organics, Apple Juice, steamed soy or almond milk, orange juice, soy steamer (the kids can select a flavored syrup to add!)

Multigrain Bagel (sorry, you gotta skip the cream cheese! Ask your local Starbucks to carry a vegan version such as Tofutti!)
Deluxe Fruit Medley Salad (the fruits vary by season)
Breakfast: Perfect Oatmeal in plain, brown sugar, dried fruit, nut medley
Packaged: Lucy's Cookies (which I've mentioned in a previous post), peeled fruit snacks, Two Moms in the Raw granola bars, Sahale Cashews & Solidad flavors, Stretch Island Fruit snacks, Kind Bars (although they contain honey!), Food Should Taste Good sweet potato flavor, Starbucks Salt n Pepper flavor popcorn, and the cinnamon, peppermint, & spearmint Starbucks gum.

Keep in mind, places like Starbucks are ever changing their products! As with everything else you buy, check labels! If you find anything else at Starbucks (or your other favorite coffee shop!) let me know!

Where to buy meat/dairy

Where to buy meat/dairy

So you want to eat meat. Ok, let's try to make sure you buy from pasture-based farms. Here is a link to a state-by-state directory of farms that provide grass-fed meat and dairy products: 
Why should you bother when you can zip over to Safeway? Well, here's just a few reasons:

1. The animals live a better life and undergo a more humane slaughter. Often times, the ranchers practice "field slaughter", which is walking up to the animal in the pasture so as not to cause alarm, & they kill the animal with a bullet to the head. The animal dies instantly, w/no pain. Others take the animals to a small, independent slaughterhouse where ranchers will often watch the slaughter process to ensure it is being done properly, & the farmers go to great lengths to keep the animals calm during the process.  
2. You are supporting your local farmer. The company I have provided a link to (Eatwild) does not receive funds from the farms! They are supported by individuals donating to help keep local farmers in business and to provide a more humane life/death for animals, among other reasons. There are also links to farmers markets that they sell their stuff at...
3. Many of the farms listed on the site are organically certified. Although some may lack certification, they do follow organic or kosher standards & practices. And, you can actually visit the farms to ensure the farm satisfies your standards.
4. All-Grassfed dairies: Milk that comes from 100% grass-fed animals is a heck of a lot healthier than regular milk. Good new for the kids!
5. Visit the farm: What a great trip for the kids (and no I don't mean to watch the slaughter!)! Teach them about proper eating habits, the benefits of eating organic, food safety, animal care, etc. Also, quite a few of these farms have great products such as vegetables, fruits, kitchenware, eggs, raw pet foods, dairy, honey, etc. Many of them let you pick your own fruits & veggies! Take the kids for a picnic.
6. Farms that raise pasture animals are much better for our environment. Grass requires less fossil fuel, the animals are providing the fertilizer as well as the harvesting (saves on solar energy), grazed pasture removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere more than any other land use, & it helps reduce global warming.
7. Many of the farms will deliver to your home! Better meat/dairy right at your door!
8. Great selection: Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, goat, bison, duck, salmon, etc.

Meals in Minutes w/Morning Star

The below meals are vegetarian, not vegan. However, Morning Star also makes vegan stuff!

McDonalds-style spicy chicken sandwich: Use Morning Star buffalo wings (cook according to package instruction). Toast a hamburger bun & top w/the wings & cheese if desirable. Add lettuce & vegenaisse. Dip in ranch. Soooo good!

McDonalds-style sausage mcmuffin: Use Morning Star round sausages (I like original, but they also have maple) & bacon (I don't like the way the bacon tastes plain, but it's great on sandwiches or crumbled over other dishes!). Toast your english muffin and top w/the bacon, sausage, & a slice of cheese. Nuke for 5-10sec to melt the cheese. Voila!

Spicy chicken panini: Morning Star has super great spicy chicken patties! I like to make paninis w/these on rye bread w/provolone cheese. Dip in ranch. Use vegenaisse sparingly to grill (I've also made them like it's a grilled cheese, but it's better on a George Forman Grill, etc.

Morning Star also makes vegan and vegetarian burgers, and just about anything else you can think of, but these are my favorites!

Shayla's Superior Veggie Taco Salad

This is amazingly good. I used to make them all the time, and after finding this recipe, I decided that it was time to make 'em again! This is a very easy, fast recipe. I like to make it in advance for the work week.

4 large organic wheat tortillas
1 can vegetarian refried beans (even regular stores have veggie beans!)
1 can black beans (I like spicy versions)
1 can diced tomatoes w/chile peppers
1 can corn

Mix ingredients & set aside for about 30 min.
Preheat oven to 350.
Warm tortillas in microwave about 10 seconds.
Fold warm tortillas over bread pan, muffin pan (for small salads), or pie dish and bake approx. 8min. Remove & let cool.
Fill tortillas w/above mixture (mixture serves about 4 people)
Top w/your choice(s) of lettuce, salsa, guacamole, &/or cheese

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Facts for those actually contemplating a vegetarian or vegan diet...

1. According to studies conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diabetes & obesity are actually linked directly to eating high fructose corn syrup & refined sugar. Try a natural sweetener like agave nectar or syrup, Stevia, etc. Be sure you are buying 100% pure, organic products. 

2. The dangers of Aspartame (it's in your sugar-free foods & diet sodas): Aspartame was denied by the FDA 8 times before going thru!! I won't go into the corrupt reasoning behind it's eventual clearance because you can read all about it in books such as Skinny Bitch, but there are so many people that have been sickened by this aspartame that we now have aspartame victim support groups! Effects from this crap-ola include doosies such as memory loss, brain lesions, nerve cell damage, migraines, Alzheimer's, hair loss, weight gain, reproductive disorders, blindness, etc. If you think that the FDA, etc. is here to protect us, get your head outta your ass! That's like saying that all government crap is honest & looking out for our well being. Do some research, watch some documentaries... Big corporations and people in the government own a lot of companies! If it makes money, that's all that matters. You can find aspartame in trillions of foods & sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, Splenda, etc. 

3. Think about it...  A 90lb calf turns into a 2,000lb cow in 2yrs by drinking their mothers milk. And we're drinking that? By the time we are between 18 months & 4yrs, we lose 90-95% of the enzyme lactase. "The undigested lactose and the acidic nature of pasteurized milk encourage the growth of bacteria in our intestines. All this contributes to a greater risk of cancer because cancer cells thrive in acidic conditions." -Skinny Bitch. The dairy industry is a multibillion dollar industry. Hmmm... Don't start on brittle bones! Researchers from Yale, Penn State, Harvard, & the National Institutes of Health have studied effects of dairy intake on our bones. Not ONE study found dairy to be a deterrent in osteoporosis. Actually, a study found that high protein contents found in dairy leaches calcium from our bodies. Yale University found that the countries that had the highest rates of osteoporosis (Finland, the United States, & Sweden) were the countries where folks consumed larger quantities of milk, meat, & other animal products. 40 million American women have osteoporosis, but only 250,000 African women do. The only tribe with members suffering from it are the Maasai which are a cattle-owning, milk-drinking tribe. Dairy is also linked to several cancers, heart disease, obesity (wow, big surprise...), irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, ear infections, headaches, anxiety, arthritis, poor immune function, osteoporosis, & a ton more! For lots more info, read The China Study (written by a doctor), Fit For Life II, Skinny Bitch, a frickin' medical journal of some kind, etc. "It is common knowledge in the medical research field that dairy is bad for you." -Skinny Bitch. I don't think you want to hear about how the dairy machines are sucking up the puss and scabs from the udders of the cows... Yep, you just drank that last night at dinner.

4. You are consuming the grief, fear, & horror from the animals you eat. Guess what? Those animals you are eating are anally & vaginally electrocuted, beaten to death w/pipes, skinned alive before they bleed out from their slit throats, boiled alive to remove their hair if the bullet missed the 1st try, beaks are chopped off of faces to prevent the factory & farm workers from getting pecked (there is no law that requires an animal to be stunned beforehand), etc. People, closing your eyes to this problem does not solve it! If you want to eat meat, fine. Help the rest of us make some damn laws and regulations that are actually enforced! Also, look for local meat, most likely it will be organic, & the animal will have had a better life/death. Read Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz. She shows evidence of the U.S. Department of Agriculture looking the other way. And guess what? The USDA has high-ranking staff that are employed or affiliated w/the meat & dairy industries. We have also discovered that chickens are as intelligent as some primates (this found out by an animal behaviorist! Dr. Chris Evans). Fish have feelings as well. The pain system that fish have is the same as birds & other animals. Read up please. You could save lives. In the words of Linda McCartney: If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarians." You can order a free vegetarian starter kit from or from PETAs website. They're free! I recommend watching Food, Inc. as well. It's very informative about food in general. It's not preachy & it doesn't show animal slaughter. You get to see behind the scenes of places like McDonalds.

5. It is a myth that we need meat to get protein. Stop asking vegetarians & vegans how they get their protein in that condescending tone. Ask us because you are genuinely interested. By the way, we get it from veggies, beans, nuts, fruits, whole grains, lentils, soy products, etc. The China Study goes over everything in great detail. And it is written by a doctor that grew up on a farm eating bacon, eggs, etc. his entire life! It really is fascinating. He also goes into the link between animal products & cancer, with actual studies & findings that back him up. 

6. Many stores carry vegan & vegetarian dishes. I rarely have time to cook, so I buy almost everything from Whole Foods, Safeway, & Trader Joe's. And once you find out how beneficial a vegetarian or vegan diet can be, you will find yourself becoming fascinated w/becoming a healthier person.

Please remember, this is a blog for my friends & family that are actually interested in trying vegan & vegetarian diets. I'm not going to get into petty arguments w/meat eaters that just like to eat meat. Provide books, websites, documentaries, etc. to back up anything you have to say that is not in agreement with what I wrote. I don't really care about your personal opinion here unless you can back it up... But I will look into any references you provide! 

Golden Vanilla Cupcakes (vegan) & Fluffy Buttercream Frosting

These are the best cupcakes I've ever had!!! The recipe is out of the book Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. 
I have been known to yell at folks for eating the last one... If you do not use a hand mixer or mixing bowl, the frosting doesn't get frothy and will slide right off the cupcakes. But it will still taste fantastic in all of the messy glory!

1 cup soy milk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 & 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 tbsp cornstarch
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt (increase salt to 1/2 tsp if you're using oil instead of margarine)
1/2 cup non-hydrogenated margarine (I use vegan Earth Balance), softened, or 1/3 cup canola oil
3/4 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract, caramel extract, or more vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin pan w/cake liners
Whisk the soy milk & vinegar in a measuring cup & set aside for a few min to get good & curdled.
If using margarine, sift the flour, cornstarch, baking soda, & salt into a large bowl & mix
In a separate large bowl, use a handheld mixer at med. speed to cream the margarine & sugar for about 2min (don't beat past 2min!!). Beat in the vanilla & other extract, then alternate beating the soy milk & dry ingredients, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl a few times.
If using oil, beat together soy milk mixture, oil, sugar, vanilla, & other extracts in a large bowl. Sift in the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, & salt. Mix until no large lumps remain.
Fill cupcake liners two-thirds of the way & bake for 20-22min. Transfer to a cooling rack & let completely cool before frosting. 

Fluffy Buttercream Frosting

1/2 cup non-hydrogenated shortening
1/2 cup non-hydrogenated margarine
3 & 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
1 & 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup plain soy milk or soy creamer

Beat the shortening & margarine together until well-combined & fluffy. Add the sugar & beat for about 3min more. Add the vanilla & soy milk & beat for another 5-7min until fluffy.

Yummy Vegan Banana Muffins

I absolutely love these muffins! They are great on a cold morning, and they are easy to take on the go. 

3 ripe bananas
1/4 cup oil or melted margarine (Earth Balance butter is vegan)
1 cup sugar (don't use sugar substitutes! They are the devil! More on those later)
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
brown sugar for sprinkling over the top (optional, but very delicious!!!)

Mash bananas (overripe work best). Add oil/margarine & sugar. Mix well. Sift the flour, salt, & baking soda together & add to the banana mixture. Mix until the flour is blended (do not beat!). Pour into muffin pans or a bread pan. Top w/brown sugar. Bake at 360 until a toothpick comes out clean. Makes about a dozen.

Spectacular Vegan Ranch Dressing

Spectacular Vegan Ranch Dressing

This is literally the best ranch I've tasted! I served both my vegan ranch, and Hidden Valley ranch at a party, and everyone preferred the vegan ranch. Which kinda pissed me off actually, because everyone ate my ranch first, and then they moved on to the Hidden Valley, and I was stuck with dry carrots! 

1 cup vegan mayonnaise (I use Follow Your Heart, original)
1/4 cup soy milk
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 tsp fresh chopped parsley
1 tbsp cider vinegar
1/2 tsp fresh chopped dill or 1/4 tsp dried

Blend all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth and creamy

It only takes about 10-15 minutes to make this, and it is well worth it! I'll warn you, vegan mayo does cost more than regular mayo! But, it tastes amazing, and it is much better for you. I'm a cheapskate, but this is one of the items I can't live without. It is well worth the price!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vegan Food Pyramid...

The following website has the vegan take on the food pyramid. If you do not properly substitute certain foods in your diet, you will not be healthy. Vegans can still be fat blobs. They can also be underweight.

I am personally against vitamins and supplements. If you eat right, you can get a perfect balance in your daily diet. I took a nutrition class a coupla months ago, and we used this great website to monitor ourselves. I was almost exact on everything. I was only low in calcium & B12. That's when I started taking B12, & I chose oj & soymilk w/calcium. Easy peasy.

It's very easy to stick to the above pyramid...

Legumes: You need a min. of 2 servings of legumes (such as meat/dairy substitutes, beans, lentils, peas, etc.). I try to eat a heaping salad for lunch at least 3-4 days a week. I add kidney beans and black beans which takes up most of this requirement. You MUST fill this category. It's where your getting your protein (and good fiber)!

Veggies: 3 or more servings. Along w/a heaping salad (throw in some shredded carrots for a nice crunch!), I like a half a veggie sandwich. Wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, bell peppers, pickles, avocado, etc. Make some sweet potato fries w/dinner or have a handful of carrots as a snack & your done w/veggies! Lotsa potential for your fiber intake, as well as vitamin C, etc.

Fruit: If you eat fruit for breakfast, and wait at least 30min to eat anything else, it will have your body prepared for cleansing everything out for the rest of the day. I'm a busy person... If you're like me, eat a banana in the car on the way to work. Time saver! I cube half an apple to mix in my salad, and slice the other half as a snack for my car ride home. Make sure to eat 3 servings per day!

Whole grains: This is my FAVorite category! 6-11 servings a day. What?! I get to eat bread, pasta, and rice? Sweet Jesus! For breakfast on a cold morning, hot cereal is perfect. & I'm not an oatmeal fan. In fact, I hate it. However, I have found a delicious brown sugar & maple. Three Sisters is great! I bought it at Whole Foods, and it's multigrain, natural flavors, & they use 25% less packaging than other brands! I've switched to whole wheat pasta, & I'm shocked at how much better it tastes! So, eat up w/out the guilt!!!

B12/Calcium: As a vegetarian or a vegan, you are not consuming B12. It's only in animal carcasses. A supplement is cheap & easy. In fact, it's the only vitamin I take. A bottle is $7.50 & it lasts forever. As for calcium, vegans can find this in a ton of varieties. For example, I love Simply Orange. They have a calcium infused, pulp free juice. Yum! You can also get this in fortified soymilk & broccoli.

Fat: Well, actually I'm referring to Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These are the healthy fats. Chow down on walnuts (I throw 'em in my salad!) or canola oil, etc.

Vitamin D: Finally, a reason to lay out in the sun! Take a few minutes a day to get some healthy rays. If you live in a high latitude, take a supplement. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Say Cheez: A look into Mac & Cheese

My idea of comfort food is Macaroni & Cheese. Kraft macaroni and cheese to be exact. And I only like it when either my mom or myself make it. On top of that, I have to scarf it down the second it's done because it seems to congeal instantly. I will not warm it up either (shudder). I've made it with rice milk and vegan butter, and it still tastes fantastic.

The only other mac & cheese I adore is from the deli in Whole Foods. One time, I waited 45 minutes for it to come out of the kitchen. The cook felt so bad for my lame ass that he didn't even charge me. That is how pathetic my cheese addiction can be. It may also be a sign that I need to re-evaluate my life, as well as my priorities. But I digress.

Anyways! I have been on a mission to find a vegan substitute for my weakness. So far, I pretty much hate all vegan cheese... Next time I go to the store, I'll write down the names of the absolute worst so you can steer clear. I will also write down the name of the one vegan cheese that I actually like (so far). But, it's a cheddar, and I only like cheddar cheese in quesadillas and burgers (meatless burgers! Don't panic!!). I tried making a vegan grilled cheese with an american-flavored cheese once... The crap tasted so awful that it made me dry heave. Plus, it didn't melt. And I'm a stickler for textures... Overall, it was like warmed up nasty on a slice of bread.

Tonight, I made "A delicious non-dairy cheese pasta dish". I'm quoting directly off of the bag. It's from Namaste Foods, and it's the one w/"Say Cheez" across the front. I found it at Whole Foods while shopping last week. It was not cheap (about $4 for the bag). However! It's gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, and it actually tastes pretty darn good! I was hoping for a mac & cheese substitute, but this doesn't fit that particular bill. It is a nice, rich pasta that actually has a hint of Olive Garden goodness about it. It only takes about 10min to make, which is a huge plus when you don't have a lot of time (or if you hate to cook). Rich food fills me up quick, so I didn't eat a lot (I recommend using a tad less oil than they suggest on the directions). One bag is enough for at least 3 or 4 meals for me. Next time, I'm going to make some bread to go w/it. A nice, crusty sourdough w/vegan butter over the top would complement it nicely. Will I buy it again? Sure, but probably only on sale. 

If I had the time to cook (what I actually mean is that I hate to cook), there are some tasty looking recipes out there. Maybe this blog will give me the motivation to try one of them some time... Don't hold your breath! I've heard good things about a recipe from Alicia Silverstones website: I also have her book The Kind Life. She's one interesting gal! Or you can try a recipe off of another great site:

If you are just wanting some healthier alternatives to your usual mac & cheese, try Annie's. Everything's natural, and there's oodles of choices such as Alfredo Shells & Cheddar, Classic Mild, etc. Plus, it's a great price.

Quick snacks for the lazy...

Easy, quick, & filling vegetarian/vegan snack ideas:

Fiber Bars (I like chocolate chip): Great in the mornings when you're at work & need a chocolate fix. 35% of your daily fiber, antioxidants, etc. Eat slow. They're small & scarfing them down will make you feel cheated. Well, at least I do! fyi: not vegan.

Pistachios: I prefer unsalted & roasted. After all, lotsa sodium is not a healthy persons friend. I also buy them w/the shells. It means I won't eat as many.

Trail Mix: I'm lazy. Chances are, I'm not gonna make my own trail mix. That's why the crap comes pre-packaged! I like Archer Farms Almond Cranberry Blueberry Blend (great price at Target!), & anything from Trader Joe's. Check the label, chocolate chips or M&Ms mean it's not vegan!

Fruit: Duh. We all know it's healthy. Jazz it up at a brunch or for a dessert by dipping it in chocolate (look in the produce section at the store for the chocolate). Kids love it, & it's better than the 3 ice cream sandwiches you let their little fat butts eat after dinner!

Veggies: Another no brainer. Add mushrooms, bell peppers, asparagas, onions, zucchini, & squash to make it zazzier. Bake or BBQ w/sweet & sour sauce, extra virgin olive oil, & balsamic w/some spices & this is crazy good!

Chips & Salsa: My favorite salsa is Herdez. I add a coupla avocados & tons of fresh cilantro. Try flaxseed or blue corn tortilla chips. Yum!! 

Cookies: Whole foods has some good vegan choices. I'm into Lucy's cinnamon cookies right now.

Vegan Breads: Whole Foods has a nice variety of vegan breads. I really like the blueberry loaf. In fact, this makes a great breakfast bread. Also a snazzy idea to take as a hostess gift when you attend a fancy-schmancy brunch.

Crackers/Chips & Hummus: Everyone loves hummus. Well, I don't care for a coupla flavors, but Trader Joe's has a 3-layer hummus that's to-die for. It's always a hit at parties! 

Toast: Bring out your inner child. Look for PB that is made of just peanuts. No sugar! It took me a couple of days to get over the shock of not tasting sugar, but now I can't eat anything but Adams 100% Peanut Butter. It can be expensive, so look for it at Wal-Mart. It's like, half the cost of anywhere else! I love this for breakfast. It's very filling. If you're going vegan on this, check the label on your bread. And while we're on the subject, stop eating that shitty white bread (do not confuse french or sourdough bread w/shitty white bread! These are bread gods. Gods that should be consumed in moderation, but gods nonetheless)! Switch to whole wheat, etc.

Chocolate: I'm not a huge sweets person, but we all crave a little chocolate now & again. Check labels, but most dark chocolate (natural, anyway) are vegan. There are vegan chocolate chips out there, but I think they are disgusting.

Ice Cream: Whole Foods & Trader Joe's have a zillion options. Creamy sorbets made w/coconut milk, Tofutti brand items are good, Soy Delicious is delicious...

Don't confuse sugar free for healthy. Those substitutes are the devil. If you want cancer, eat up. I'll have to dedicate a special post just about the evils of sugar substitutes. 

I'll post more as I come up with them...

Here's a great website for more ideas: