In an earlier post I mentioned my bad habit of buying groceries when I already have food at home. I also stated that I am going to attempt to eat everything else in my pantry, fridge, & freezer before going shopping again (except for small items that would finish off a meal). Well, I started yesterday. I have this week all planned out! Keep in mind, I spend about $200-$300 a month on groceries. For just me!!! When I was in my 20s, I could live on $50! So, let's see how much I save throughout the month of January! I'm hoping to use the money saved for a mini vacation!
Sunday: I slept in late, so I skipped breakfast & went straight to lunch, which was brown rice & vegan Kung Pow Chicken (it was so good that I had it for dinner too!)
Monday: I had a packet of oatmeal that I found crammed in the back of the pantry (don't worry, it was still good!). Lunch was a slice of leftover vegan pizza from Sat, & the leftover tidbits from the above mentioned rice & "chicken". For dinner tonight, I'm making spaghetti w/vegan buttered sourdough toast.
Tuesday: Breakfast will be an apple that I forgot all about, but it happens to still be thriving! & a piece of peanut butter toast. I have salad fixin's for lunch, & leftover spaghetti w/vegan parmesan cheese is on the menu for dinner.
Wednesday: I forgot about a bag of potatoes that I've had sitting around, but luckily they're still in good shape. I also found half an onion, so I'll be making breakfast potatoes. Yum! For lunch, I'll finish off my bag of salad. I've had some vegan burgers & buns in the back of my freezer for about a month now, so I'll stop by the fruit & veggie stand near work for an avocado & a tomato for toppings. Looks like some of those potatoes will be turned into fries!
Thursday: Breakfast will be more breakfast potatoes (hey, I love 'em & there's enough for 2 days!!) Lunch: along w/potatoes, I also have some frozen corn, so I'll be chowing down on a baked potato & corn smothered in vegan butter. Dinner will be leftover burgers & the smackle of sweet potato fries stuffed in the back of my freezer.
Friday: I have some veggie bacon, sausage, & english muffins, & since today is 1 of my vegetarian days (as opposed to vegan Mon-Thu) I'll be enjoying a sausage mcmuffin! I have an eggplant parmesan frozen tv dinner, so that'll be a delicious lunch! I have a corner of a wedge of sun dried tomato & basil brie left from last wknd, so for dinner I'll finish that off w/the rest of my pita chips.
Saturday: Breakfast will be another mcmuffin (really, I love these so much, I'd eat them every day if they were vegan!). Lunch will be a can of french onion soup that's been in my pantry for about 3mo! I think I'll make pesto pasta for dinner... I need to check the exp. date on the jar of pesto!
Sunday: Another mcmuffin (I'm not kidding, I love these!). Lunch will be leftover pasta, & dinner will be mashed potatoes & corn.
As for snacks & dessert, I have lots of trail mix ,as well as vegan ice cream, sorbet, & gelato.