Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Facts for those actually contemplating a vegetarian or vegan diet...

1. According to studies conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diabetes & obesity are actually linked directly to eating high fructose corn syrup & refined sugar. Try a natural sweetener like agave nectar or syrup, Stevia, etc. Be sure you are buying 100% pure, organic products. 

2. The dangers of Aspartame (it's in your sugar-free foods & diet sodas): Aspartame was denied by the FDA 8 times before going thru!! I won't go into the corrupt reasoning behind it's eventual clearance because you can read all about it in books such as Skinny Bitch, but there are so many people that have been sickened by this aspartame that we now have aspartame victim support groups! Effects from this crap-ola include doosies such as memory loss, brain lesions, nerve cell damage, migraines, Alzheimer's, hair loss, weight gain, reproductive disorders, blindness, etc. If you think that the FDA, etc. is here to protect us, get your head outta your ass! That's like saying that all government crap is honest & looking out for our well being. Do some research, watch some documentaries... Big corporations and people in the government own a lot of companies! If it makes money, that's all that matters. You can find aspartame in trillions of foods & sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, Splenda, etc. 

3. Think about it...  A 90lb calf turns into a 2,000lb cow in 2yrs by drinking their mothers milk. And we're drinking that? By the time we are between 18 months & 4yrs, we lose 90-95% of the enzyme lactase. "The undigested lactose and the acidic nature of pasteurized milk encourage the growth of bacteria in our intestines. All this contributes to a greater risk of cancer because cancer cells thrive in acidic conditions." -Skinny Bitch. The dairy industry is a multibillion dollar industry. Hmmm... Don't start on brittle bones! Researchers from Yale, Penn State, Harvard, & the National Institutes of Health have studied effects of dairy intake on our bones. Not ONE study found dairy to be a deterrent in osteoporosis. Actually, a study found that high protein contents found in dairy leaches calcium from our bodies. Yale University found that the countries that had the highest rates of osteoporosis (Finland, the United States, & Sweden) were the countries where folks consumed larger quantities of milk, meat, & other animal products. 40 million American women have osteoporosis, but only 250,000 African women do. The only tribe with members suffering from it are the Maasai which are a cattle-owning, milk-drinking tribe. Dairy is also linked to several cancers, heart disease, obesity (wow, big surprise...), irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, ear infections, headaches, anxiety, arthritis, poor immune function, osteoporosis, & a ton more! For lots more info, read The China Study (written by a doctor), Fit For Life II, Skinny Bitch, a frickin' medical journal of some kind, etc. "It is common knowledge in the medical research field that dairy is bad for you." -Skinny Bitch. I don't think you want to hear about how the dairy machines are sucking up the puss and scabs from the udders of the cows... Yep, you just drank that last night at dinner.

4. You are consuming the grief, fear, & horror from the animals you eat. Guess what? Those animals you are eating are anally & vaginally electrocuted, beaten to death w/pipes, skinned alive before they bleed out from their slit throats, boiled alive to remove their hair if the bullet missed the 1st try, beaks are chopped off of faces to prevent the factory & farm workers from getting pecked (there is no law that requires an animal to be stunned beforehand), etc. People, closing your eyes to this problem does not solve it! If you want to eat meat, fine. Help the rest of us make some damn laws and regulations that are actually enforced! Also, look for local meat, most likely it will be organic, & the animal will have had a better life/death. Read Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisnitz. She shows evidence of the U.S. Department of Agriculture looking the other way. And guess what? The USDA has high-ranking staff that are employed or affiliated w/the meat & dairy industries. We have also discovered that chickens are as intelligent as some primates (this found out by an animal behaviorist! Dr. Chris Evans). Fish have feelings as well. The pain system that fish have is the same as birds & other animals. Read up please. You could save lives. In the words of Linda McCartney: If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarians." You can order a free vegetarian starter kit from or from PETAs website. They're free! I recommend watching Food, Inc. as well. It's very informative about food in general. It's not preachy & it doesn't show animal slaughter. You get to see behind the scenes of places like McDonalds.

5. It is a myth that we need meat to get protein. Stop asking vegetarians & vegans how they get their protein in that condescending tone. Ask us because you are genuinely interested. By the way, we get it from veggies, beans, nuts, fruits, whole grains, lentils, soy products, etc. The China Study goes over everything in great detail. And it is written by a doctor that grew up on a farm eating bacon, eggs, etc. his entire life! It really is fascinating. He also goes into the link between animal products & cancer, with actual studies & findings that back him up. 

6. Many stores carry vegan & vegetarian dishes. I rarely have time to cook, so I buy almost everything from Whole Foods, Safeway, & Trader Joe's. And once you find out how beneficial a vegetarian or vegan diet can be, you will find yourself becoming fascinated w/becoming a healthier person.

Please remember, this is a blog for my friends & family that are actually interested in trying vegan & vegetarian diets. I'm not going to get into petty arguments w/meat eaters that just like to eat meat. Provide books, websites, documentaries, etc. to back up anything you have to say that is not in agreement with what I wrote. I don't really care about your personal opinion here unless you can back it up... But I will look into any references you provide! 

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