Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where to buy meat/dairy

Where to buy meat/dairy

So you want to eat meat. Ok, let's try to make sure you buy from pasture-based farms. Here is a link to a state-by-state directory of farms that provide grass-fed meat and dairy products: 
Why should you bother when you can zip over to Safeway? Well, here's just a few reasons:

1. The animals live a better life and undergo a more humane slaughter. Often times, the ranchers practice "field slaughter", which is walking up to the animal in the pasture so as not to cause alarm, & they kill the animal with a bullet to the head. The animal dies instantly, w/no pain. Others take the animals to a small, independent slaughterhouse where ranchers will often watch the slaughter process to ensure it is being done properly, & the farmers go to great lengths to keep the animals calm during the process.  
2. You are supporting your local farmer. The company I have provided a link to (Eatwild) does not receive funds from the farms! They are supported by individuals donating to help keep local farmers in business and to provide a more humane life/death for animals, among other reasons. There are also links to farmers markets that they sell their stuff at...
3. Many of the farms listed on the site are organically certified. Although some may lack certification, they do follow organic or kosher standards & practices. And, you can actually visit the farms to ensure the farm satisfies your standards.
4. All-Grassfed dairies: Milk that comes from 100% grass-fed animals is a heck of a lot healthier than regular milk. Good new for the kids!
5. Visit the farm: What a great trip for the kids (and no I don't mean to watch the slaughter!)! Teach them about proper eating habits, the benefits of eating organic, food safety, animal care, etc. Also, quite a few of these farms have great products such as vegetables, fruits, kitchenware, eggs, raw pet foods, dairy, honey, etc. Many of them let you pick your own fruits & veggies! Take the kids for a picnic.
6. Farms that raise pasture animals are much better for our environment. Grass requires less fossil fuel, the animals are providing the fertilizer as well as the harvesting (saves on solar energy), grazed pasture removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere more than any other land use, & it helps reduce global warming.
7. Many of the farms will deliver to your home! Better meat/dairy right at your door!
8. Great selection: Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, goat, bison, duck, salmon, etc.

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